Articles on: Server Management

How to use DIY Mods

Steps on how to use DIY Mods:

Once you've finished creating your server, on the left side of the page, you will see a tab for Mod Manager.

Step 1

Simply click Mod Manager and it will lead you to this page below.

Install Mod

Click Install Mod, and you will be directed to this page below to choose which server you want to install mods into.

Step 2

Select which server you prefer to install mods into.

Step 3

After selecting the server, you will see your selected server's information at the bottom of the page and the currently installed mods in the server.

Server Info

Click Pick and install Mods.

Step 4

You should now see this page below.

Mode Selection Page

Select DIY-Assemble Your Own Modpack

DIY Assemble

You will be led to our DIY mods page with a list of our different mods.

DIY Install Page

You can use our search function to easily find the mod you are looking for.

Search bar

Search result

Once you've found the mod you want to add, click add Mod to Modpack.

Step 6

Your selected mod should appear on the right-hand side of your screen.

Selected Mod

You are also allowed to select more than one mod.

Multiple Selected

And if you've accidentally added a mod that you don't intend to install, you can easily remove it by clicking Remove Mod from Modpack

Remove Mod

Once you are satisfied with your Modpack, click Install Modpack.

Step 7

You will be led to the confirmation page where you should see your server details, currently installed mods, and mods that you are about to install.

Confirmation Page

In this page you can opt to backup your current world, and finalize installing mods to your server by clicking Continue Install.

Step 8

Step 9

Just wait for the server to finish installing the mod, and once its done, you're good to go! Happy adventuring!

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Updated on: 27/09/2022

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